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Dalla mia esperienza  la mia grammatica per le classi 3^,4^,5^ della scuola primaria  in un volume unico

miei prodotti editoriali

New edition

house - reading 16-10-2021 tapescript.pdf A   naugthy  girl  BY ME.pdf Read and color Anne e True or false-.pdf Read and color the children con domande di comprensione-.pdf Read and complete TRUE  or FALSE , disegna ciò che manca e colora.pdf read color and true ore false Jane and Alex-.pdf READING AND COMPREHENSION EXERCISES.pdf reading.pdf A SURPRISING FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL  match by me.pdf A SURPRISING FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL by me b-w.pdf like + ing lettura.pdf readings + animal + family.pdf readings + animals + family.pdf reading + describing people + introducing people.pdf readings + describing people + introducing people.pdf reading2.pdf rebus story BY ME.pdf revision, personal information, describing people,letture.pdf revision,personal information, dialogues,letture.pdf letture-presentarsi- descrivere persone-DIALOGHI.pdf readings- family - introduce yourself- mestieri.pdf readings- describing people- dialogues.pdf letture-oggetti scolastici.pdf animali - letture- storie.pdf food- daily routine- letture 20-2.pdf reading-describing people 27-2.pdf LETTURE-SIMPLE PRESENT- DAILY ROUTINE.pdf Susan-s day603.pdf letture - saluti e presentazioni -descrivere persone 2-4.pdf letture- saluti e presentazioni- descrivere  persone 3-4.pdf can can't e letture 2-4.pdf mother reading descpeople.pdf reading - daily routine - revision 8-2016.pdf revisio- readings 2-8-2016.pdf winter- reading 18-11-2016.pdf reading- can - descrobing people 16-12-2016.pdf a christmas carol by me1.pdf materie scolastiche 18-4-2017.pdf SCHOOL SUBJECTS - READINGS 3-5-2017.pdf reading - animals 22.8.17.pdf readings 22-8-2017.pdf CLOTHES - READINGS 22-8-2017.pdf animals - THERE IS ARE 29-10-2017.pdf clothes - reading 1-11-2017.pdf clothes, winter, readings 26-12-2017.pdf daily routine -reading - 28-12-2017.pdf daily routine 29-12-2017.pdf readings 23-4-2018.pdf reading 24-4-2018.pdf readings 25-4-2018.pdf describing people-introduce - readings 1-5-2018.pdf school-reading-subjetcs.pdf reading - mother s day 1-5-2018.pdf personal information - readings - revision 30-7-2018.pdf reading - school- vocabulary revision 27-7-2018.pdf reading - prepositions place 3-8-2018.pdf READING- PREPOSTIONS PLACE.pdf readings 8-8-2018.pdf readings 9-8-2018.pdf greetings - conversation - family - revision 14-8-2018.pdf reading  20-8-2018.pdf readings - school subjects  26-8-2018.pdf readings - general vocabulary- school objects  25-8-2018.pdf READING - GENERAL REVISION- SCHOOL 2-9-2018.pdf autmn- reading 22-9-2018.pdf food reading 6-10-2018.pdf prepositions - reading 20-10-2018.pdf describing people-readings-clothes 20-10-2018.pdf daily routine- jobs- readings 12-11-2018.pdf TOWN- READING-PREPOSITIONS 27-12-2018.pdf town-reading 22-12-2018.pdf clothes - family- reading 22-12-2018.pdf daily routine- reading 1-1-2019-3.pdf daily routine, reading, dialogues 19-1-2019.pdf PINOCCHIO BODY - CLOTHES - READING 19-1-2019.pdf reading- civilistion - daily routine  20-1-2019.pdf daily routine- reading - winter 2-1-2019.pdf daily routine - animals -reading-.pdf school  subjects - reading  5-3-2019.pdf school subjects- readings- personal information 6-3-2019.pdf reading- school subject- presentarsi 8-3-2019.pdf CLOTHES-READINGS-DESCRIBING PEOPLE2 9-3-2019.pdf CLOTHES-READINGS-DESCRIBING PEOPLE 7-3-2019.pdf subjects - readings -personal information 7-3-2019.pdf like+ing- reading-introducing people 18-4-2019.pdf reading-weather 18-4-2019.pdf countries -reading 17-8-2019.pdf countries - readings 18-8-2019.pdf reading- school - general revision-  clothes-descrinimg people.pdf WINTER 12-12-2019.pdf
general revision READING - emotions13-7-2020.pdf general revision - dialogue 11-7-2020.pdf family - reading 21-7-2020.pdf readings - tecnologia 1-1-2021.pdf readings - digital citizen 2-1-2021.pdf READING- CITIZENSHIP.pdf reading - citizenship 2-1-2021.pdf town- reading 30-1-2021.pdf reading -jobs 17-11-2021.pdf house-reading2 16-10-2021.pdf daily routine- reading- time 2-1-2022.pdf READING- DAILY ROUTINE 16-2-2022.pdf present continuous- reading 24-2-2022.pdf REVISION- READING 16-8-23.B.pdf readings- present continuous 6-3-2022.pdf mother day- describing people-reading - family 12-4-2023.pdf REVISION- READING 16-8-23.pdf family, reading 15-10-2'023.pdf house reading  15-10-2023.pdf house-reading 11-10-2023.pdf listening- comprehension - presentarsi 27-12-2023.pdf listening-reading clark family.pdf like ing - reading 21-1-2024.pdf like+ing- reading-introducing people 12-2-2024.pdf daily routine-reading-listening 33-4-2024 test.pdf daily routine-reading-listening 33-4-2024.pdf reading 19-8-2023.pdf Animals -reading 19-8-2024.pdf nationality - readings 24-11-2024.pdf