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Dalla mia esperienza  la mia grammatica per le classi 3^,4^,5^ della scuola primaria  in un volume unico

miei prodotti editoriali

New edition

what are they doing at home (by me) bis.pdf present continuos by me bis.pdf multiple choice game BIS.ppsx answer and choose the right option.pdf test.pdf garfield 1.pdf reading.pdf present continuous WRITE BIS.pdf present continuos2 bis.pdf PRESENT CONTINUOS 5-2 BIS.ppsx PRESENT CONTINUOS 4-2 BIS.pdf present continuos.pdf 2 by me PRESENT CONTINUOS WITH GARFIELD BIS.ppsx present conitnuos 27-2 bis.pdf what are they doing.ppsx PRESENT CONTINUOUS - CONVERSATION  27-2.ppsx present conyinuous 28-2.pdf house-pers continuos- there is are 02-02-2017.pdf present continuos- descrivere immagini 10-2-2018 BIS.pdf present continuos 1-3-2018 BIS.ppsx Easter - pres continuous 16-3-2018.pdf DESCRIBE THE PICTURES-present continuos-prepositions conversation.png present  continuos 20-1-2019 bis.pdf present continuos 22-2-2019.pdf present continuos 13-3-2020.pdf present continuous 14-4-2020 23.pdf
present continuous- reading 24-2-2022.pdf readings- present continuous 6-3-2022.pdf PRESENT CONTINUOUS 3-1-2023.pdf present continuous 6-1-2023.pdf present contiunuous 7-1-2023.pdf house -present continuus 3-3-2024.pdf