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Dalla mia esperienza  la mia grammatica per le classi 3^,4^,5^ della scuola primaria  in un volume unico

miei prodotti editoriali

New edition

body - describing people 9-1-2025 B.pdf clothes- describing people 25-10-2022 listening.pdf DESCRIBING PEOPLE SPEAKING ACTIVITY BY ME.ppsx EASY DESCR.CL 3  BY ME.ppsx guida x descrivere persone by me.ppsx describing Lucy by me.pdf DESCRIBING PEOPLE 2.pdf describing people by me.pdf DESCRIBING PEOPLE GUIDE.pdf Leggi la descrizione di Susan e poi scrivi BY ME 2.pdf HAIR STYLE BY ME.pdf personal informations e corpo.pdf personality adjc by  me.pdf Read and color Anne e True or false-.pdf read color and true ore false Jane and Alex-.pdf INTRODUCING PEOPLE  by me 2.ppsx DESCRIBING PEOPLE2.ppsx describing people by me 2.pdf test by me2.pdf describing people  + conversation.ppsx reading + describing people + introducing people.pdf readings + describing people + introducing people.pdf aggettivi - conversazione.ppsx description2.pdf vestiti - decribing people.pdf introduce yourself.pdf readings- describing people- dialogues.pdf reading + describing people + introducing people.pdf reading-describing people 27-2.pdf ADJEVTIVES MULT CH BY ME 2.ppsx body- conversation- descrivere persone -.ppsx letture - saluti e presentazioni -descrivere persone 2-4.pdf letture- saluti e presentazioni- descrivere  persone 3-4.pdf mother reading descpeople.pdf describing people-vestiti-conversation.ppsx describing people - adjectives 25-8-2016.pdf reading- can - descrobing people 16-12-2016.pdf body-clothes -describing people 20-1-2018.pdf DESCRIBING PEOPLE- AGGETTIVI  2-2-2018.pdf describing people - clothes 9-2-2018.pdf describing people- aggettiv- bodyi 6-2-2018.pdf describing people - body- clothes 14-2-2018.pdf describing people-introduce - readings 1-5-2018.pdf clothes- describing people 8-10-2018.pdf describing people-readings-clothes 20-10-2018.pdf numbers- presentarsi 5.11.18.pdf presentarsi- numbers 25-11-2018.pdf CLOTHES-READINGS-DESCRIBING PEOPLE2 9-3-2019.pdf CLOTHES-READINGS-DESCRIBING PEOPLE 7-3-2019.pdf like+ing- reading-introducing people 18-4-2019.pdf reading- school - general revision-  clothes-descrinimg people.pdf describing people- clothes- can- body -4-10-2019.pdf describing people- clothes- can- body.pdf conversation -  jobs - introducing people.ppsx
clothes - describing people 18-4-2021.pdf clothes- describing people 25-4-2021.pdf BODY - DESCRIBING PEOPLE -ADJECTIVES 4-2-2022.pdf CLOTHES-describing people 17-4-2022.pdf clothes - describing people 25-10-2022.pdf mother day- describing people-reading - family 12-4-2023.pdf describing people - greetings 26-2-2024.pdf body - describing people 9-1-2025.pdf body - describing people 10-1-2025.pdf body - describing people 9-2-2025.pdf